Tuesday, August 01, 2006

First Season Synopsis

• The Mafia visits the restaurant exacting protection and Giuliano’s wife saves the situation because she is another Mafioso’s’ niece.
• Rat attack in the restaurant and Stevie’s mother’s arrival mess up the place. She (Stevie’s mother) does not know about her son’s sexual preference yet.
• Helen experiences the freedom of being a single and Arthur is denounced to the Immigration.
• During a reception Arthur falls sick and Helen, together with D.D., Judie and Giuliano try to manage the occasion.
• Giles’ ghost haunts the restaurant to say that he loves Rose.
• Helen gets to know a doctor and Arthur becomes very jealous.
• D.D. inherits a dog, that she insists on taking to the restaurant.
• Arthur gets news from Brazil and gets tempted to quit the restaurant.
• On his birthday party, Stevie openly “comes out of the closet”, kissing his boyfriend in public. Thanks to Judie his mother is present.
• “Three-Fingers-Eddie” appears and explains this story, while wooing Judie.
• An idiot assaults the restaurant and makes Helen a hostage.
• Judie yields to Eddie’s charms and Arthur makes a romantic dinner for Helen, who, without knowing, takes the doctor as a companion.
• Giuliano, Arthur and Judie make a surprise birthday party for D.D.. She gets so excited that she ends up is the hospital where the doctor works. He asks Helen to marry him.
• Arthur gets drunk and Judie discovers that he is in love with Helen.
• Eddie receives an offer of a job and has to leave the city. He invites Judie to go with him.
• Arthur decides to go back to Brazil. Judie tells Helen, who goes after him to the airport thinking that the problem is the immigration. She offers him to marry her, but he refuses and gets on the airplane.
• In Arthur’s absence, Helen perceives that she was in love with him all the time. She gets hurt and decides to accept the doctor’s proposal.
• Judie goes to Brazil after Arthur and finds him in his own restaurant with his kids. He hears from Judie that Helen is going to marry but that she loves him.
• Judie returns without Arthur and tells Helen that she did not find him. D.D. and Giuliano decide to sabotage the marriage.
• Helen decides to marry. After talking to a friend, Arthur decides to return and to try to get things right with Helen.
• When arriving at the church, after all kind of confusion created by D.D. and Giuliano, Helen sees Arthur and cancels the marriage.
• Arthur returns to the restaurant. However, as he is Helen’s employee he feels degraded and loses the courage to try to conquer her. Disappointed, Helen seeks the doctor again.
• While D.D. and Giuliano try to make the doctor disappear, the ghost of Giles returns to make Helen and Arthur get closer, making them perceive that they love each other.


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